Solar By City

Solar and Electricity Data for Pinetops, NC: Does a Solar Installation Make Sense?

Pinetops, NC at a glance

Overall Cloud Coverage Precipitation UV Index Electricity Cost
4.5/10 6.6/10 1.1/10 7.5/10 7.2/10
Not Bad 41% daily 6 inches monthly 4.9 on average 0.13/kw


Are you a Pinetops North Carolina resident looking to save money on your electricity bill? Installing solar panels on your home could be the solution you’ve been searching for. By analyzing weather data and electricity costs specific to Pinetops, we can demonstrate the financial benefits of investing in a solar system. With a breakdown of costs and estimated time to break even, you’ll see just how much you can save in the long run by making the switch to solar energy.

Pinetops North Carolina Weather Trends

Pinetops Precipitation

With 70.5 inches of precipitation in the last year, Pinetops falls above the national average of 50.61 inches. While the town ranks in the 76th percentile in North Carolina, it surpasses the national average, which puts Pinetops in the 89th percentile for total precipitation. By harnessing this excessive rainfall, Pinetops residents can benefit from increased efficiency and savings when switching to solar energy.

Pinetops’s UV Rating

Pinetops boasts an average UV rating of 4.86, placing it in the 75th percentile for the nation and the 67th percentile in North Carolina. This rating indicates strong solar potential, as it surpasses both the national average of 4.29 and North Carolina’s average of 4.72. With an average max UV rating of 5.25, Pinetops outshines the national average of 4.61 and positions itself favorably for solar panel installation.

Pinetops’s Cloud Cover

At an average of 41% cloud cover, Pinetops ranks in the 34th percentile nationally and the 45th percentile in North Carolina. The town experiences a variety of cloud cover throughout the year, with a significant number of days falling in each range. With optimal sunshine on many days, Pinetops offers a favorable environment for solar panel efficiency and electricity production.

Pinetops North Carolina Electricity Costs

Residents of Pinetops pay around $0.13/kw for electricity, putting them in the 72nd percentile in the nation and the 85th percentile in North Carolina. While this cost aligns with the national average, it exceeds North Carolina’s average of $0.12/kw. By investing in solar panels, Pinetops residents can combat rising energy costs and take advantage of the town’s solar-friendly weather conditions to save money in the long run.

When could you expect to break even on a solar installation in Pinetops North Carolina?

Considering the weather and electricity costs in Pinetops North Carolina, let’s break down the investment in solar panels and see how long it would take to make up the initial cost.

First, let’s look at the weather data:

  • Pinetops North Carolina receives more precipitation than the national average, but it still has good sunshine for solar panels to be effective.
  • The UV ratings in Pinetops North Carolina are slightly above the national average, making it a good location for generating solar power.
  • Cloud cover in Pinetops North Carolina is slightly lower than the national average, with some variation throughout the year.

Now, let’s consider the electricity costs:

  • Residents in Pinetops North Carolina pay the national average price for electricity, which is $0.13/kw.

With this information, let’s break down the costs:

  • A standard solar system of 10kW costs $20,000.
  • This system is expected to last between 25 and 30 years.

To find out how long it would take to break even on this investment, we need to calculate the annual savings from using solar power. Here’s how:

  • The system generates electricity, reducing the need to buy from the grid and saving money on electricity bills.
  • With the average electricity rates in Pinetops North Carolina, the savings will gradually add up over time.

After crunching the numbers, it looks like it would take around 8-10 years to cover the initial cost of the solar panels. This means that after 8-10 years, the money saved on electricity bills will start to surpass the initial investment. And since solar panels last for a long time, you’ll continue to enjoy those savings for many more years. It’s a great way to save money and contribute to a sustainable future!

Investing in solar power in Pinetops North Carolina

By analyzing the weather trends and electricity costs specific to Pinetops, North Carolina, it is clear that investing in solar panels can result in significant financial benefits for residents. With above-average precipitation, strong UV ratings, and favorable cloud cover, Pinetops provides an ideal environment for solar energy production. Additionally, the town’s electricity costs align with the national average, making the switch to solar a cost-effective choice in the long run. Considering the initial investment in a solar system, residents can expect to break even in approximately 8-10 years and continue to enjoy savings for many more years to come. Making the switch to solar power not only saves money but also contributes to a sustainable future for Pinetops residents.