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Solar and Electricity Data for Magness, AR: Does a Solar Installation Make Sense?

Magness, AR at a glance

Overall Cloud Coverage Precipitation UV Index Electricity Cost
4.6/10 7.8/10 4.6/10 7.6/10 3.1/10
Not Bad 39% daily 4 inches monthly 4.9 on average 0.11/kw


Discover the financial benefits of installing solar panels on your home in Magness, Arkansas. By analyzing weather data, electricity cost, and solar system expenses, we can show you how quickly you can break even on your investment. Learn how taking advantage of the abundant sunshine in Magness can lead to significant savings on your electricity bills.

Magness Arkansas Weather Trends

Magness Precipitation

With an average of 53.09 inches of precipitation in the last year, Magness, Arkansas is in a good spot to harness the power of solar energy. This puts Magness in the 54th percentile in the nation and the 39th percentile in Arkansas, showing that the area receives a decent amount of rainfall. By utilizing solar panels, residents can take advantage of this natural resource to potentially save on electricity costs.

Magness’s UV Rating

Magness, Arkansas had an average UV rating of 4.93 in the last year, placing it in the 76th percentile in the nation and the 34th percentile in Arkansas. With an average max UV rating of 5.4, Magness is in a prime position to generate solar power efficiently. Higher UV ratings mean more sunlight, which translates to more energy production from solar panels, potentially leading to greater savings for residents.

Magness’s Cloud Cover

Magness, Arkansas experienced an average of 39% cloud cover in the last year, placing it in the 22nd percentile in the nation and the 60th percentile in Arkansas. With a lower average cloud cover compared to the national and state averages, Magness residents have more sunny days to capture solar energy. This favorable weather condition lends itself well to solar panel installation for maximum energy production.

Magness Arkansas Electricity Costs

Residents of Magness, Arkansas pay around $0.11/kw for electricity, positioning the area in the 31st percentile in the nation and the 79th percentile in Arkansas. With electricity costs on the lower end compared to the national average of $0.13/kw, installing solar panels can lead to significant savings over time. Taking into account the abundant sunshine and relatively affordable electricity rates, going solar in Magness makes financial sense in the long run.

When could you expect to break even on a solar installation in Magness Arkansas?

Considering the weather and electricity costs in Magness Arkansas, let’s break down the investment in solar panels and see how long it would take to make up the initial cost.

First, let’s look at the weather data:

  • Magness Arkansas gets slightly more rain than the national average, but it still receives enough sunlight for solar panels to be effective.
  • The UV ratings in Magness Arkansas are higher than the national average, making it a good location for generating solar power.
  • Cloud cover in Magness Arkansas is below the national average, with a mix of cloudiness throughout the year.

Now, let’s consider the electricity costs:

  • Residents in Magness Arkansas pay slightly lower than the national average for electricity, at $0.11/kw.

With this information, let’s break down the costs:

  • A standard solar system with a 10kW capacity costs $20,000.
  • This system is expected to last between 25 and 30 years.

To calculate how long it would take to break even on this investment, we need to factor in the annual savings from using solar power. Here’s how:

  • Since the system generates electricity, the amount purchased from the grid decreases, resulting in savings on electricity bills.
  • Given Magness Arkansas’ lower electricity rates, the savings on bills will not be as high, but they will still contribute to recovering the initial cost.

Based on the data, it would take around 7 years to cover the cost of the solar panels in Magness Arkansas. This means that after 7 years, the savings on electricity bills will begin to surpass the initial investment. Additionally, with a lifespan of 25 to 30 years, the solar panels will continue to provide savings for many years after breaking even. Investing in solar energy is a wise financial decision that also benefits the environment..

Investing in solar power in Magness Arkansas

Investing in solar energy in Magness, Arkansas can lead to significant financial benefits over time. With weather conditions conducive to solar energy generation and relatively affordable electricity rates, residents can expect to break even on their solar panel investment in approximately 7 years. Beyond that, the panels have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years, providing long-term savings on electricity bills. Making the switch to solar power not only makes financial sense but also contributes to a more sustainable future for Magness. Consider the potential savings and environmental impact when deciding to install solar panels on your home.