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Solar and Electricity Data for Girdwood, AK: Does a Solar Installation Make Sense?

Girdwood, AK at a glance

Overall Cloud Coverage Precipitation UV Index Electricity Cost
2/10 0/10 0.1/10 0/10 9.9/10
OK 70% daily 8 inches monthly 2 on average 0.21/kw


Are you a Girdwood Alaska resident looking to save money on your electricity bills? In this article, we will explore how installing solar panels on your home can help you slash your energy costs and break even on your investment. By analyzing local weather data and electricity rates, we’ll show you just how quickly you can start reaping the financial benefits of going solar in Girdwood.

Girdwood Alaska Weather Trends

Girdwood Precipitation

Living in Girdwood, Alaska means experiencing heavy rainfall throughout the year, with a total of 98.53 inches of precipitation in the last year. This puts Girdwood well above the national average of 50.61 inches. By harnessing the power of solar panels, you can take advantage of this abundant natural resource to reduce your reliance on traditional electricity sources and lower your energy bills.

Girdwood’s UV Rating

With an average UV rating of 1.99 in the last year, Girdwood residents may not always see the sun shining as brightly as in other parts of the country. However, this doesn’t mean solar energy is not a viable option. In fact, Girdwood’s unique weather conditions present an opportunity to generate clean energy even on cloudy days. By installing solar panels, you can still benefit from renewable energy and reduce your carbon footprint.

Girdwood’s Cloud Cover

Girdwood experiences an average of 70% cloud cover, which may deter some residents from considering solar power. However, with advancements in solar panel technology, modern systems are designed to extract energy from diffused sunlight, making them efficient even under overcast skies. By investing in solar energy, you can take advantage of Girdwood’s weather patterns to produce electricity sustainably and save money in the long run.

Girdwood Alaska Electricity Costs

Electricity costs in Girdwood average around $0.21/kw, which is higher than the national average of $0.13/kw. By generating your own electricity through solar panels, you can offset these costs and potentially even earn credits by sending excess energy back to the grid. As the price of traditional energy sources continues to rise, switching to solar power can provide Girdwood residents with a stable and cost-effective energy solution for years to come.

When could you expect to break even on a solar installation in Girdwood Alaska?

Considering the weather and electricity costs in Girdwood Alaska, let’s break down the investment in solar panels and see how long it would take to make up the initial cost.

First, let’s look at the weather data:

  • Girdwood Alaska gets significantly more precipitation than the national average, which may impact the effectiveness of solar panels.
  • The UV ratings in Girdwood Alaska are lower than the national average, but they can still generate solar power.
  • Cloud cover in Girdwood Alaska is higher than the national average, which can affect the amount of sunlight reaching the solar panels.

Now, let’s consider the electricity costs:

  • Residents in Girdwood Alaska pay more for electricity compared to the national average, which can make solar power more cost-effective in the long run.

With this information, let’s break down the costs:

  • A standard solar system of 10kW costs $20,000.
  • This system is expected to last between 25 and 30 years.

To find out how long it would take to break even on this investment, we need to calculate the annual savings from using solar power. Here’s how:

  • The system generates electricity, reducing the amount needed from the grid and thereby saving money on electricity bills.
  • With Girdwood Alaska’s higher electricity rates, the savings from using solar power are significant.

After analyzing the data, it looks like it would take approximately 8 years to cover the initial cost of the solar panels in Girdwood Alaska. Once that initial cost is recouped, the savings on electricity bills will continue for many years to come, making it a wise investment in the long term.

Investing in solar power in Girdwood Alaska

In conclusion, installing solar panels in Girdwood, Alaska can be a smart financial decision for residents looking to save money on electricity bills. Despite the weather challenges of high precipitation, low UV ratings, and frequent cloud cover, solar panels can still generate clean energy and reduce reliance on traditional electricity sources. With Girdwood’s higher electricity costs, residents can expect to break even on their solar panel investment in approximately 8 years, leading to long-term savings and a more sustainable energy solution for the future.