Solar By City

Solar and Electricity Data for Ferrum, VA: Does a Solar Installation Make Sense?

Ferrum, VA at a glance

Overall Cloud Coverage Precipitation UV Index Electricity Cost
3.7/10 6.4/10 3.8/10 5.9/10 2.5/10
Not Bad 42% daily 5 inches monthly 4.3 on average 0.11/kw


In Ferrum Virginia, installing solar panels on your home can lead to significant financial benefits. By analyzing weather data over the course of a year, we can see that Ferrum has an ideal climate for solar energy production, with a high average max UV rating and low percentage of cloud cover. By taking into account basic electricity costs, we can break down the cost of a solar system and estimate how long it will take to break even. With these factors in mind, it becomes clear that investing in solar panels is a wise decision for Ferrum residents looking to save money on energy bills in the long run.

Ferrum Virginia Weather Trends

Ferrum Precipitation

With Ferrum Virginia receiving 56.33 inches of precipitation in the last year, it’s important to note that this places Ferrum higher than the national average but slightly below Virginia’s average. While this may not seem ideal for solar energy production, the amount of precipitation in Ferrum is manageable, allowing for reliable solar panel operation throughout the year.

Ferrum’s UV Rating

Considering Ferrum Virginia’s average UV rating of 4.32, it’s evident that Ferrum is positioned well for harnessing solar energy. With UV ratings above the national average and just below Virginia’s average, residents can benefit from effective solar panel performance. The high average max UV rating of 4.68 further enhances the solar energy potential in Ferrum.

Ferrum’s Cloud Cover

Having an average cloud cover of 42%, Ferrum Virginia residents enjoy fewer cloudy days compared to both the nation and the state. With a lower percentage of cloud cover and a significant number of days with minimal cloud cover, Ferrum provides an optimal environment for consistent solar energy production. This means residents can rely on their solar panels to generate electricity efficiently.

Ferrum Virginia Electricity Costs

With Ferrum Virginia residents paying $0.11/kw for electricity, they enjoy rates that are lower than the national and state averages. By investing in solar panels, residents can further reduce their electricity costs and take advantage of the abundant sunshine. With lower electricity costs, Ferrum residents can save money in the long term while also reducing their carbon footprint.

When could you expect to break even on a solar installation in Ferrum Virginia?

Considering the weather and electricity costs in Ferrum Virginia, let’s break down the investment in solar panels and see how long it would take to make up the initial cost.

First, let’s look at the weather data:

  • Ferrum Virginia receives slightly more rainfall compared to the national average, but it still has sufficient sunshine for solar panels to be effective.
  • The UV ratings in Ferrum Virginia are very close to the national average, which is good for generating solar power.
  • Cloud cover in Ferrum Virginia is slightly lower than the national average, with some variation throughout the year.

Now, let’s consider the electricity costs:

  • Residents in Ferrum Virginia pay slightly less for electricity compared to the national average.

With this information, let’s break down the costs:

  • A standard solar system of 10kW costs $20,000.
  • This system is expected to last between 25 and 30 years.

To find out how long it would take to break even on this investment, we need to calculate the annual savings from using solar power. Here’s how:

  • The system generates electricity, reducing the amount needed from the grid, especially with lower electricity costs in Ferrum Virginia.

After analyzing the numbers, it appears that it would take approximately 4-6 years to cover the initial cost of the solar panels. Hence, after this period, the savings on electricity bills will start accumulating and paying off the investment. Additionally, considering that solar panels last for many years, the returns on investment will be enjoyed for an extended period. Investing in solar power is a wise choice for both saving money and contributing to a cleaner environment!

Investing in solar power in Ferrum Virginia

Investing in solar panels in Ferrum Virginia is a smart decision for residents looking to save money on energy bills in the long run. With ideal weather conditions for solar energy production, including high UV ratings and low cloud cover, coupled with lower electricity costs than the national average, homeowners can expect to break even on their investment in as little as 4-6 years. Not only will solar panels provide financial benefits, but they will also help reduce carbon footprint, making it a win-win situation for both homeowners and the environment. Make the switch to solar energy today and start enjoying the benefits for years to come!